Startup Funding

Book review

Kate Dames


A practical and essential toolkit for any entrepreneur, this book contains practical advise to guide a small business owner’s funding decisions. It is a comprehensive guide to help entrepreneurs understand what funding options are available, and what investors are looking for.

Who is it for?

The book is an essential addition to any entrepreneur setting out or thinking of starting a new venture. It is an interesting, easy read for anyone new to the funding world of small business, whether you are a technology startup or a local restaurant looking to expand.

What’s inside?

The book literally contains everything that a new entrepreneur needs to know about startup funding.

It is filled with practical advice and case studies from real people who managed to successfully secure funding for their startup.

It’s a practical book filled with answers to all your startup funding questions.

It covers all the important questions, like what funding options are available, when to look for funding, what you need in order to secure funding and even where to find funding options and connect with possible investors.

The writing style

It is an easy to read book written in a conversational style, written from practical experience and personal success stories from a range of different industries, including medical startups, technology- and outdoor ski gear startups.

It contains a wealth of supporting diagrams and links to resources on the web, making it a rich and interesting reading experience.

I like, I wish, I wonder…

As a pragmatist, I simply loved the practicality of the advice and the inclusion of real stories from real people. It starts with bursting the bubble for anyone thinking startup funding is easy, pointing out that all the success stories are written after the success, which immediately drew me in. I wasn’t disappointed until the very end.

Not ever having looked for funding myself and with an affinity of working with startups, this was a much needed resource to help me as advisor to entrepreneurs understand the challenges and needs of a business looking for funding.

The variety of industries and case studies were extremely helpful as from personal experience, I understand that when it involves human beings, it’s much more complex than one-size-fits-all answers to difficult questions. Having access to the experiences of different people in different situations were extremely insightful.

Each chapter follows logically on the next, making the read easy to follow with questions being answered as they pop up. The end of each chapter is summarized with the key take-away points for the busy readers or more advanced investors.

The book doesn’t just tell you about the options available and how to approach an investor, it helps the business owner decide on a product mix and business model that would not only be valuable to an investor, but to the business owner himself. It certainly changed my mind on the business model I had in mind. It is filled with business advice to help entrepreneurs succeed.

Whether you are looking at funding or not, this is a very valuable read.

The only criticism I could find is the unfinished formatting with hard to read colors in certain sections. From a content point of view, and as a new entrepreneur, there was no question left unanswered in my mind after completing the book.

About the author

Nicolaj Højer Nielsen is a startup funding expert, who has secured finance for his own startups, as well as other’s, thus the book is a collection of practical experience and real life successes in the different funding arenas.

He is now a business angel himself, specializing in promising technology startups, and love to help entrepreneurs succeed. He teaches and coaches new entrepreneurs, truly passionate about entrepreneurship and a specialist in the field.

His educational background includes studying Marketing and he has earned an MBA.


The Startup Funding Book is a essential resource for any entrepreneur with not only practical advise on how and when to secure funding for your business, but also how to structure your product offering.

It is a comprehensive guide providing all the answers related to sourcing and securing funding for a startup, with all that’s missing from guaranteed success the actual idea and team. No entrepreneur who has read this book has an excuse not to succeed.



Kate Dames

A cup of fresh ideas for old problems. Integrating technology, agile, gamification & lean to make workplaces more human, productive & fun.