Hi Sjoerd, Thanks for the response! I love your ‘high standards!’ They make so much sense and I’ll definitely try them. Thank you for sharing it.
I like the sports metaphor. I compared agile to a relay rather than a sprint in an older post which is similar to your ‘team over individuals’ idea.
My experiences as such hasn’t been so bad and it depends on the team. I do however find a lot of people get stuck on Scrum believing it is the one and only way. I used to be a regular contributor in the Lean and Agile LinkedIn discussion forum and eventually left because there were so many dogmatic followers not open to other ways. Even the founders of Scrum publicly stated that they receive a lot of suggestions to change it and their response to this was “Just Scrum on”.
It is to these people that I want to say that there is life after Scrum. Scrum is good. But don’t use it as a bible. Make your own cocktail. Only then can you be agile. That’s my message.
Thank you,